Orbs and SYMMIO are working together. Working together will make it easier for onchain derivatives trading to grow. This will use a lot of money and make it more efficient.
Orbs has seen a big increase in people wanting to use its Liquidity Hub, which works with different blockchain and decentralized exchanges. It helps with the problem of not having enough money available for trading in DeFi. Orbs wants to give derivatives traders better tools by working with SYMMIO, so that they can use their money more effectively.
Orbs and SYMMIO will use Orbs’ current technology to focus on different uses of onchain derivatives. The two people are currently working on creating a way for messages to be sent on and off the blockchain. Moreover, they want to collaborate to create a way for people to bid on stocks that would help them reduce risk and make money from the changes in derivatives trading.
On regular exchanges, more trading is done with financial contracts than actual assets, at a ratio of 4 to 1. But on the blockchain, only $2 billion out of the total $60 billion is from financial contracts, not $60 billion like on regular exchanges. Orbs and SYMMIO are working together to fix the imbalance. This will allow traders to make leveraged trades, use their money more effectively, and protect themselves from losing money.
SYMIO has found a smart way to make it easier for people to trade OTC derivatives based on what they want to do. This helps with the problem of not having enough money available for trading on the internet. Hedgers can get quotes straight to their device when they use the SYMM-powered platform to make a trade.
To use SYMMIO, the front part of the system has to find the best quote that matches what the user wants. Then it creates a plan and sends it to the rest of the system. As long as the terms agreed upon and the transaction is finalized using blockchain technology, and both parties have put up collateral, the solver will agree to the arrangement.
SYMMIO’s solution can help hedgers easily access outside money from any place, like CEXs such as Binance. This is one of its benefits. Compared to other ways to trade, this platform lets you trade more easily, which helps you use your money better. Orbs wants to work with SYMMIO to make it safer for traders to use new technology for onchain derivatives.